This article is the first in a four-part series on problem-solving. Remember Goldilocks? She was looking for “just right” as she rummaged through the house of the three bears. As […]
READ MOREMaking Subtraction Efficient – Just Think Addition!
Students who are efficient with the count-on, use-doubles, and make-ten strategies for addition have all they need to be proficient with subtraction number facts! Subtraction is the inverse, or opposite action, of […]
READ MOREMake-Ten Strategy: Building a “Mind Picture” for the Make-Ten Addition Strategy
The make-ten strategy is great for addition! It helps students understand place value and the relationships between numbers. Ten-frames help students develop a good “mind picture” for the make-ten strategy […]
READ MOREThe Use-Doubles Strategy for Addition: Making it Easy and Fun for Your Students!
The use-doubles strategy for addition can be one that children struggle with in the beginning. It involves a deep understanding of the number system, and how to compose and decompose numbers […]
READ MOREMaths in the Car! Early Childhood Maths – In Their Own World
Enjoying Maths in the Car! Children have a natural love for learning and exploring in their daily lives. Did you know one of the best places to support this enthusiasm […]
READ MOREPowerful Strategies for Teaching Number Facts
Auri was a precocious 9-year-old who would often struggle with math. Auri’s teacher, Mrs. Farmer, noticed that she would grow tired and get easily frustrated when trying to mentally solve […]
READ MOREMaking the Count-On Strategy Memorable and Fun for Fact Fluency
The count-on strategy for addition will help children master sixty-four maths facts! Yes, sixty-four! But first, what is the count-on strategy? Watch this ORIGO One video below to learn more! […]