ORIGO Stepping Stones
A flexible and balanced mathematics solution
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ORIGO Stepping Stones is a comprehensive program that brings conceptual understanding of mathematics to the forefront of teaching and learning.
Intended for daily use in the classroom, Stepping Stones includes a unique set of digital tools and print supplements, as well as embedded professional learning for teacher support.
- ORIGO Stepping Stones balances the dimensions of rigour by:
- developing conceptual understanding using a range of powerful visual models
- creating rich opportunities for classroom discourse and language development
- fostering thinking skills and procedural fluency
- providing opportunities to apply learning across real problems, open investigations, and enrichment activities
- offering multiple methods to assess deep understanding, fluency of skills, and applications of mathematics
Check out a Stepping Stones Lesson Sampler below
Digital teaching platform
Stepping Stones is delivered online through ORIGO Education's digital platform, Slate, to give teachers one central location to access all their lesson plans, student activity pages, and teaching tools. Each license gives instant access to all content for Years F–6. ORIGO Slate gives every teacher:
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- all lessons and content for all years (F–6)
- all student activity pages for all years (F–6)
- all problem-solving, investigation, and assessment activities for all years (F–6)
- one-click access to digital tools, visual aids, and models for immediate use in the classrooms
Student books
Printed student books accompany the online program. The Student Journals provide stepped-out lessons where concepts from the online program are broken into manageable sections. Ongoing practice pages are also provided in each year level Practice Book.
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The Number Case
The Number Case is packed with over 200 ready-to-use resources. Cases include multiple representations of number, sharing mats, numeral expanders, mix-and-match cards, and more.
View samples of every year level Number Case
ORIGO Big Books
ORIGO Big Books (12 per year for F-2) are large-format storybooks that develop and reinforce mathematical language and understanding.
View a sample Year 1 Big Book here
Step It Up
Contains additional practice aligned to Stepping Stones lessons with two new student pages that can be used in the classroom or as homework
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