ORIGO’s Tool, Tunes & Games contribute to teaching and learning by providing the materials and ideas in which math skills and concepts can be developed in a fun and memorable way.
Tools, Tunes & Games that contribute to learning
Fundamentals Games
An easy, fun way for students to develop computational fluency. These engaging activities supplement any core math programs.
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An online tool to stimulate whole-class discussion, to provide collaborative opportunities for small groups, and to challenge individuals. Learn more.
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Big Book Tunes
Add to the ORIGO Big Book experience with the engaging Big Book Tunes bring your classroom alive with 36 tracks - a song for every title in the ORIGO Big Books series. Shop now.
Download your Resource Guide today!
Our Resource Guide is packed full of maths classroom resources for every element of the maths curriculum. Download a copy today to see how ORIGO Education can enhance your maths lessons.