
Stepping Stones Core Program (1 Year Digital Subscription)



About this product

ORIGO Stepping Stones is a comprehensive program that brings conceptual understanding of mathematics to the forefront of teaching and learning.

Intended for daily use in the classroom, Stepping Stones includes a unique set of digital tools and print supplements, as well as embedded professional learning for teacher support.

Years F–6 (single user per annum)
Package includes:

ORIGO Stepping Stones balances the dimensions of rigour by:

  • developing conceptual understanding using a range of powerful visual models
  • creating rich opportunities for classroom discourse and language development
  • fostering thinking skills and procedural fluency
  • providing opportunities to apply learning across real problems, open investigations, and enrichment activities
  • offering multiple methods to assess deep understanding, fluency of skills, and applications of mathematics

The Stepping Stones Practice Books accompany the award winning core mathematics program, SHOP NOW.

The Stepping Stones Journals accompany the award winning core mathematics program, SHOP NOW.

As this is a teacher resource, please use your verified school email as this subscription is only available to registered teachers or home schoolers.

This product is a digital resource. Please note that it can take up to 2 business days (Monday to Friday) for our helpful customer service team to activate this subscription.  

Product Details



All the interactive maths resources you need … The Stepping Stones premium digital subscription saves you classroom time with quick and easy access to lesson notes, interactive maths resources and teaching tools, student activity pages, and built-in professional learning.

Features and Benefits

    Stepping Stones (single user per annum) includes:
  • Stepping Stones Core Program: Online Subscription Years F-6 (single user)
  • Flare (single user)
  • Fundamentals (single user)
  • Mathedology (single user)
  • ORIGO Big Book Teaching Tools (single user)

Target Audience

    This resource is targeted for:
  • Foundation
  • Year 1
  • Year 2
  • Year 3
  • Year 4
  • Year 5
  • Year 6

Series Overview

    ORIGO Stepping Stones is an innovative program that integrates print and digital technology to give educators a flexible and balanced mathematics solution. This world-class comprehensive instructional program has been developed for primary teachers who are implementing college-and-career-readiness standards. Pair the Stepping Stones Practice Books and Journals for the complete program benefits.